View Full Version : Primary Care Centers are on the way

11-22-2011, 01:30 PM
A former president of the Dominican Medical Association (CMD) has defended the opening of Primary Care Centers (CAP) starting next year, as the gateway to the Dominican Social Security System's (SDSS) medical services. In a statement made yesterday, Enriquillo Matos said that the primary care health policy is aimed at prevention and that Law 87-01 covers this aspect in Article 152.

CAP is a service that the Family Health Insurance subsidized regimes, contributory and tax-subsidized regimes (the latter has not gone into effect as yet) should guarantee the patients. It is the Ministry of Public Health's duty to construct the CAP in order to guarantee services to the users, while the National Social Security Council (CNSS) should make them cover the payroll deduction sector affiliates. The services that the CAP has to emphasize are prevention and monitoring of healthy children, as well as hypertension, normal pregnancies and vaccinations. He pointed out that these centers will guarantee savings, because the doctor consultations will cost just RD$100.

Matos reported that all the Health Service Providers (PSS in Spanish) and including doctors and owners of private clinics, could have primary care facilities. The Health Insurers (ARS in Spanish) are prohibited from having them because they are the intermediaries between the affiliates and the PSS. When Matos was president of the CMD in 2006, he pressured for the postponement of the startup of the SFS because the ARS owners tried to open their own CAPs, in a way that was allegedly disguised. He said that back then that the private clinics owners had committed to creating the centers for new patients and that the old patients could continue to be seen by their specialists, but the clinic owners did not proceed with this and they let the time go by.

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