View Full Version : A mother cries for her son

11-22-2011, 01:30 PM
Diario Libre reports that Carmen Sosa, mother of alleged terrorist Jose Pimentel, has asked New Yorkers for forgiveness for the insane intentions that her son might have had. Pimentel, who was arrested on Saturday, is accused of making bombs to attack police stations, post offices and kill soldiers who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan. Sosa, 56, speaking on Monday morning outside her Upper Manhattan home, told how her son, who Mayor Michael Bloomberg has described as a "lone wolf", converted to Islam in 2002 and since he began to read the Koran, she could no longer cope with him. "I am disappointed with what my son is doing. I love New York," she said.

She said that she made her son move from Schenectady, near Albany, to Upper Manhattan, because she did not like the way he was behaving. With tears in her eyes she said that she would like to tell her son that she loves him but she did not raise him to do this and that she cannot explain why he changed. "I don't know what is happening, I just want peace," she said. She asked the Police to treat the defendant well. "Now I do not know my son, and this case won't let me sleep." She told how her son left school and that he has had several jobs but always gave them up. She immigrated to the United States in 1986, and later brought her son, who became a naturalized citizen while he was very young. He is now 27 years old. The Dominican mother said that her son had been brought up in a Catholic home. According to local media, FBI experts said that they did not take over Pimentel's case because the federal agency did not consider it a serious threat, preferring local and state courts take charge.

In the meantime, in a press conference within hours of Pimentel's arrest, the main Dominican community leaders in New York City, including state Senator Adriano Espaillat, assemblyman Guillermo Linares and city council member Ydanis Rodriguez asked the National Security Department not to stereotype all Dominicans based on Pimentel's acts.

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