View Full Version : Tourist flow increased by 3.6% in October

11-22-2011, 01:30 PM
Despite a reduction in numbers of tourists from Europe, the overall number increased by 3.6% during the January-October period. The increase is partially attributed to tourists from emerging markets like Russia and South America as well as more tourists from the United States and Canada. In fact, 93,000 more tourists came from Latin America this year than in 2010, a 41% increase. Most came from Brazil, Argentina and Chile. From North America, there were an additional 55,000 new visitors more than in 2010, most of whom came from the United States. European visitors were 11,000 fewer, year-on-year, with the bulk of the fall off coming from Great Britain, Spain and Portugal. Curiously, France, Russia, Italy and Germany had significant increases in their contributions to the Dominican tourism market.

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