View Full Version : Accused killer of five extradited

11-22-2011, 01:30 PM
Yesterday an accused killer of five Panamanian citizens was put on an airplane by Dominican authorities and handed over to Panamanian Judicial Police who came here to pick him up. Yesterday afternoon Dominican Fermin Antonio Taveras Ramirez, who together with another Dominican allegedly took part in the kidnapping, murder and burial in the patio of a house of five Panamanians of Chinese origin, was extradited. Taveras Ramirez was handed over yesterday to the head of the Judicial Investigative Police of Panama, Manuel Moreno, who traveled to Santo Domingo on Saturday in the company of other Panamanian officers in order to pick up the local citizen. The young man was taken out of the country on flight 271 of Copa Airlines, after being transferred to Las Americas International Airport (AILA) under extreme security measures.

Taveras Ramires is accused by the Panamanian authorities, together with another Dominican, Alcibiades Mendez, of murdering five Panamanian citizens of Chinese origin, Yessenia Argelis Lou Kan, Young Wu Ken, Georgina Lee Cheng, Joel Liu Wung and Samuel Zeng Chen. According to reports from the Panamanian authorities, after kidnapping the five young people on separate dates and actions, the criminals collected different sums, and in one of the cases, the families paid US$150,000. Fermin Antonio Taveras Ramirez, in spite of having bleached his hair and operated on his fingertips to change his fingerprints, said that he is innocent of the charges and he will prove this in the courts in Panama, where he will be tried along with his fellow Dominican, Mendez.

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