View Full Version : Delays in diplomatic wages

02-01-2007, 05:20 PM
An unnamed Dominican diplomat is claiming that diplomats in international postings have not received their paychecks since November and that this is making life extremely difficult, because life in the countries they are posted to is very expensive. The diplomat, who is quoted in Diario Libre, says that this situation reflects the fact that the Ministry of Foreign Relations is not supportive of its foreign service. The diplomat also expressed concerns about President Leonel Fernandez's proposal to reduce salaries of the diplomatic corps abroad. The diplomat said that it is worrisome because some diplomats can barely get by on what they currently earn.
The Ministry denied the diplomat's allegations, as did Presidential Administrative Secretary Luis Manuel Bonetti. Bonetti says that if checks haven't arrived, it's because they get sent by courier.
The press frequently carries reports on the excess number of jobs at most diplomatic missions. Embassy personnel stationed abroad are often political appointees without any significant work functions at the missions. These extra appointees often become an inconvenience for staff members who are actually doing the work.

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