View Full Version : A new option for education

11-23-2011, 01:50 PM
With Vice President Rafael Alburquerque in attendance, the "Huascar Rodriguez Herrera" Technical Education Center was inaugurated in Santiago yesterday. This new facility will train professionals in the area of construction and services. The center was built in partnership with Cementos Cibao and ISA University. It will benefit young men and women from low-income backgrounds, and train them for work as construction foremen, bricklayers, plumbers, cabinet-makers, carpenters, residential electricians, iron workers or painters. The new center was blessed by the Archbishop of Santiago, Monsignor Ramon Benito de la Rosa y Carpio.

During the main inauguration address, Cementos Cibao president Dennise Rodriguez stressed the fact that the educational center seeks to improve the efficiency in the use of resources as well as the mechanization of the construction sector. She said that all development is based on the training of specialists with a range of skills to apply rules and regulations necessary for implementing a quality system that is required when it comes to building infrastructures. ISA University rector Benito Ferreira stated that the center was an answer to the current needs of the construction sector, with a positive effect on the creation of employment opportunities as well as the development of small business that can serve the demand for specialized services across the country.

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