View Full Version : PRD and PLD meet

11-24-2011, 02:50 PM
The PRD and the PLD parties held their first meeting today in search of a consensus on the crisis in the Central Electoral Board (JCE) brought about by the resignation of the Board's Computer Center (Information Technology) administrator. They covered -among other points - the proposal for a solution to the case from JCE president Roberto Rosario.

Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado, who served as mediator and spokesman for the meeting attended by the general secretaries of the PRD and the PLD, Orlando Jorge Mera and Reinaldo Pared Perez, described the session as "positive" and said they had discussed general aspects of the election process, without providing any more details. Faced with insistent questioning by Diario Libre reporters, the rector of the Pontifical Catholic University Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) added that Rosario's proposal to create a management team for the Computer Center had also been discussed, although the parties will not discuss their observations until next Monday.

The proposal by the JCE president entails appointing two deputy directors by consensus to head the Computer Center and accompany the work of its director, Franklin Frias, whose presence without the administrator Miguel Angel Garcia is the cause of the conflicts between the parties.

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