View Full Version : JCE close cedula center

02-02-2007, 01:50 PM
The JCE has closed a cedula issuing center in eastern Santo Domingo after the National Investigations Department (DNI) and JCE officials found "serious irregularities" in the issuing of the ID and voting cards at the center. The center was issuing around 2,600 cedulas a month. Investigators said that the loss of 500 original blanks and security plastic for making the cedulas was what triggered off investigations. Authorities were already suspicious of goings-on at the Monte Plata civil registry office where the disappearance of the blanks was commonly reported. The Administrative Chamber of the JCE dismissed the person in charge of the center in eastern Santo Domingo, all subordinates and all auxiliary staff.
The investigation revealed that the mafia had a range of pricing for a fake cedula. The cheapest fake cedula cost RD$3,000 and was sold to people with the same personal information (name, date of birth, place of birth, etc.) and then given to a third party to change the picture. More expensive cedulas cost around RD$30,000 and were made with the original plastics and materials.

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