View Full Version : Roberto wants heliport

02-02-2007, 01:50 PM
Santo Domingo Mayor Roberto Salcedo has set aside 3,400 meters of Plaza Omar Torrijos, opposite Abraham Lincoln Avenue for the construction of a heliport in coordination with the private sector, as reported in Listin Diario. He said that the heliport would serve VIPs who travel to the city and need a central landing point, after inner city Herrera Airport operations were relocated to the northern La Isabela airport. The project is planned as part of the improvements to the Malecon seafront avenue. Salcedo says that the studies are being conducted to ensure that the project doesn't displace the "essence" of the area. Salcedo added that once he has completed his term he will have finished remodeling 95% of the parks in the National District of Santo Domingo.

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