View Full Version : Bosses want care to be taken of SS

11-25-2011, 03:20 PM
The president of the Dominican Republic Business Owners Confederation (Copardom), Jaime O. Gonzalez, issued a call to preserve the achievements of the social security plan, which he described as an asset that belongs to society, above any individual interests. "The Dominican Social Security System was conceived for the people, workers both male and female, not for the interests of any sector in particular whether public or private," stated Gonzalez Hernandez. Gonzalez said that the Dominican Social Security System has become the greatest feat in the democratic era, and therefore interest groups that want it to fail, by impeding the startup of the first level of attention that would allow the system to become more efficient and control costs, must be stopped. "We cannot allow groups that are only interested in their own benefits more than in those of society to bet on the failure of the Social Security System with a campaign of disinformation aimed at the public, causing chaos and confusion among the affiliates regarding the benefits of the first level of attention as the gateway to the health care network," he said. He said that the current pressure by the health service providers is due to the fear that the irritating privileges currently causing problems among the affiliates will disappear.

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