View Full Version : Parties work on solutions for JCE

11-29-2011, 02:00 PM
The PRD and PLD parties are consulting their leadership today on their respective proposals aimed at finding a solution to the impasse at the Central Electoral Board (JCE) over the resignation of the Administrator General of Information Technology (the Computer Center), Miguel Angel Garcia. The proposals, one from each party, were brought together yesterday at a second meeting mediated by Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado. "There are two suggestions. One has been proposed by the PRD and the other by the PLD, but both parties have asked for at least one day in order to consult with their leadership," reported Nunez Collado at the end of the hour and a half meeting at the Pontifical Catholic University Madre y Maestra.

Despite persistent questioning by reporters, neither Nunez Collado nor the general secretaries of the PLD and the PRD, Reinaldo Pared Perez and Orlando Jorge Mera, would disclose any details of the content of the two suggestions. "I cannot say anything," said the rector of the PUCMM as he announced that the next meeting would take place next Thursday afternoon, when they hope to agree on a definitive proposal. Nunez Collado reiterated "whatever the parties agree will be a suggestion for the Central Electoral Board", as quoted in Diario Libre. The PRD's Jorge Mera said that his party was taking part in the meetings motivated to search for a way to strengthen the JCE itself. "We are conscious of the fact that the solution that we are seeking has to be within the framework of the law and respecting the institutionalism of the Central Electoral Board."

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