View Full Version : Voices of an Island concert

11-30-2011, 10:50 AM
Dominican and Haitian musical stars including Victor Victor, Pavel Nunez, Janio Lora, Vakero, El Poeta Callejero, Frank Ceara and Audrey Compas, Xiomara Fortuna, Roldan Marmol, BelO, Sistema Temperado, Jimmy Rock, Sara Renelik, Bayo Mizik and Sergio Vargas will be taking the stage for a free concert in support of tolerance under the slogan "Convivir con to' es vivir con tolerancia" n Coexisting with everyone means living with tolerance. The concert is being organized by the Dominican Ministry of Culture, the European Union and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), with sponsorship from Viva.

The event takes place on Friday December 9th on Plaza de Espana in Santo Domingo's Colonial Zone, as of 6pm. Admission is free.

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