View Full Version : Supreme Court ratifies decision on children born to foreigners

12-01-2011, 01:10 PM
The Supreme Court of Justice (SJC) has voted to support Numeral 1 of Article 11 of the Constitution. Listin Diario says that the decision ratifies the fact that children of foreigners who are in transit in Dominican territory do not acquire Dominican citizenship as set forth in Article 11, numeral 1 of the Constitution. In sentence 460, the High Court ruled that the Constitution excludes the legitimate children of foreigners resident in the country as part of diplomatic missions or people in transit from acquiring citizenship under Jus Solis since these individuals have been authorized to remain in the country for a certain amount of time.

With this decision, the court ratifies a sentence that rejects an appeal filed by Emildo Bueno Oguis against Order 17 issued by the Administrative Chamber of the Central Electoral Board. The order requires local Civil Registry offices to examine closely the Birth Certificates that they were issuing. In the case under consideration the plaintiff was issued an irregular and fraudulent certificate.

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