View Full Version : Thieves have a field day in Santiago

12-01-2011, 01:10 PM
After reporting that the crime rate was down in Santiago, the authorities seem to be challenged by the criminal element. Five commercial establishments were robbed in the city yesterday, including remittance company Vimenca Western Union, where four men armed with pistols walked away with RD$329,000 and US$2,000. According to the police report, one of the thieves went into the remittance office in the Plaza Suena on Antonio Guzman Avenue and pointed a gun at the employees, forcing them to turn over the cash. He then left and got into a gray Nissan Sentra with three other people, who then took off for some unknown destination. The lawyer for the Plaza Suena, Victor Carmelo Martinez said that the security cameras in Vimenca were not working when the robbery took place.

National Police Regional Central Cibao Command chief Brigadier General Francisco Romer Lopez was on the scene with members of the Scientific Police who collected evidence. Also yesterday, the La Famosa sports betting kiosk in Los Cocos in Jacagua was robbed by hooded men who took RD$20,000 and a computer. In the meantime, in Cienfuegos, the Tiburcio colmado was raided, and the thieves took RD$30,000, phone cards, alcoholic beverages and other items. In Las Tres Cruces, the David colmado was robbed and the hooded men took RD$15,000.

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