View Full Version : Pensioners to get Christmas money

12-02-2011, 03:10 PM
The National Social Security Council (CNSS) has ordered the Health Risks Administrator Insurance Provider (ARLSS) to pay the pensioners of the Workers Health Insurance one additional salary for Christmas every December, starting in 2011. This salary will be calculated the same way in which the Christmas bonus ("el doble") is calculated for an active worker. This payment will be made within the first 15 days of the month of December each year, according to Resolution Number 283-04.

During a meeting headed by the Minister of Labor and president of the CNSS, Francisco Dominguez Brito, it was recalled that the dispositions of the present Resolution should be incorporated into the Workers Health Insurance Regulations, currently the object of a review and modification by the permanent commission of the CNSS.

"This decision was approved unanimously which is evidence of the high level of sensitivity of the board members. This disposition represents a step forward for the System in social terms," stated CNSS General Manager Rafael Perez Modesto. He revealed that the RD$1.5 million would be directed at low-income pensioners who did not receive an additional salary like active workers, extra income that is quite welcome during the Christmas period, as reported in Diario Libre.

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