View Full Version : Pellerano case goes viral

12-02-2011, 03:10 PM
Dozens of social commentators on morning and evening radio and TV shows have joined a call to redress the injustice that is keeping Manuel Arturo Pellerano and Juan Felipe Mendoza in jail. Commentators including Luisin Mejia, Oscar Medina, Julio Hazim, Mario Rivadulla and Freddy Sandoval stated their belief that a judicial solution must be found, because the decision that convicted them is under review at the Penal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice. In yesterday morning's commentary, Dr. Julio Hazim declared that, "there is a case in which there is no kind of justification, which is the case of Arturo Pellerano. We hope that Arturo Pellerano is pardoned this Christmas. We would like them to be pardoned, nobody on the streets is involved or has been hurt up until now by this action." He added that, "I hope that Arturo and Mendoza are released in December, first they have already been imprisoned for three years and second because nobody is complaining".

Speaking on his "Teledebate" program, Mario Rivadulla made a long commentary in which he stated that "convicted in a trial without witnesses or any evidentiary documents, in a procedure in which the District Attorney himself admitted that the case was a civil one and not a criminal one, having satisfied all of the debts with the different creditors, and with the Central Bank and the Attorney General dropping all actions against them, there does not seem to be the least legal reason or for any other reason to keep Manuel Arturo Pellerano and Juan Felipe Mendoza in prison. They have served three years in prison in Najayo. To keep them in prison is tantamount to abuse. Good sense requires their quick release by any legal means. Remember that Pellerano was the businessman who had the vision and the audacity to create Tricom and open up the telephone market in the country to competition. Until then it had been a monopoly."

All the morning programs, news commentators on television and radio, including the "Gobierno de la Manana" on Z-101 Radio, have made mention of the case, expressing opinions in support of the two men's release.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#8)