View Full Version : Expelled "student" leader was not a good student

12-14-2011, 02:31 PM
The secretary general of Felabel, one of the student organizations active at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, Omar Bido Vasquez, was expelled on Monday for assaulting another student in the University Dining Hall. While the student organization complained about the move by rector Aquino Febrillet, the reality points to a more-than-justified expulsion, since Bido Vasquez was a poor student who in over seven years of "study" had only passed 25 subjects of his degree and has a GPA of less than 2.0, which is generally grounds for academic dismissal anyway. His 68 average and his grade records show a steady stream of courses that were registered for and later withdrawn or failed. Over the past year, the university authorities have expelled more than half a dozen students (out of an enrollment said to be over 160,000) for aggression or plagiarism.

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