View Full Version : Deputies approve millions in loans

12-16-2011, 12:30 PM
The ruling PLD party, which holds the majority in the Chamber of Deputies, has authorized municipalities and other decentralized government institutions that had spent the funds that should have been reserved for paying Christmas bonuses to source these payments from a RD$1 billion loan made by the governmental Banco de Reservas. In a session held yesterday, the legislators also approved a line of credit that authorizes the Banco de Reservas to extend the US$210 million credit line issued to the Ministry of Hacienda for 12 months. The spokesman for the opposition PRD, Ruddy Gonzalez, said that they voted in favor because of the expectations of thousands of government employees to receive their Christmas bonus.

During the same session, the deputies also approved a US$200 million loan with the Inter-American Development Bank that would have expired on 18 December and others with separate entities totaling another US$100 million and EUR75.8 million for the electricity sector, the El Coral expressway, and waterworks in Montecristi, Azua, San Cristobal, San Jose de Ocoa and Neyba, as reported in El Dia.

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