View Full Version : Art by juvenile delinquents on show at museum

12-16-2011, 12:30 PM
An unusual group of artists is exhibiting works at Museo Trampolin, Santo Domingo's children's museum on Calle Las Damas in the Colonial City. Inmates at the Integral Attention Center of Najayo were encouraged to create art that is for sale for RD$250 to RD$5,000 at the museum, as part of a program that seeks to rehabilitate the youngsters and reinsert them into productive activities once their term is completed. "We wanted to show that we can and want to be something in the future. We are now aware we are someone, because before we were told we were nobodies," said one young man, describing the exhibition. He said the exhibition is aimed at showcasing their talent and helping them recover from the errors made, and that they are proud of their art work. The exhibition is titled "Transform Yourself" and is organized by the Prosecutor General Office, the Jail Pastoral of the Church and Unicef, as reported in Listin Diario.

One artist admitted that the works are probably not their best, but said "this is a process and we are improving the quality." The young people attend painting and ceramics and other arts and crafts workshops at the Najayo Jail.

The explanation for the exhibition that includes several recycling works reads: "Each one of the pieces of art has a symbolic value and behind each one lies a teenager's attempt to express the way he is learning and his interest in reinserting himself in society."

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