View Full Version : Another case against judge Sanchez Molina

12-19-2011, 02:00 PM
Rosa Abel Lora complains that she presented a formal plea to the Supreme Court on 6 June 2005 that judge Altagracia Sanchez Molina had dropped a case against her former husband and father of her children, Heinz Vieluf Cabrera, current senator for the province of Montecristi, after a conversation with him. She claims that at the time she was ignored by the Supreme Court of Justice while today, a public complaint by UK Ambassador Steven Fisher has led to an investigation by the Supreme Court.

As reported in acento.com.do, the judge is accused of taking a bribe to issue a favorable sentence for a company, and the ambassador complained that UK companies had pulled out of investing in the DR after being victims of extortion.

Abel Lora says that she is a Dominican citizen with rights, but could not get any attention from the same Supreme Court. She is now requesting an in-depth investigation into judge Sanchez Molina's conduct in her case in 2005. Abel presented photographs of the people she claims were the intermediaries who dealt with Sanchez, now a judge in La Romana. "On several occasions, in the morning, judge Cleopatra Gonzalez met separately with Heinz Vieluf in an unscrupulous way," she said.

Acento.com.do reports that the judge is under investigation for a suspect US$6,000 bribe by the Judicial Branch Council chaired by Supreme Court president Jorge Subero Isa. After the public scandal sparked by the UK Ambassador's complaint, lawyer Cristina Rodriguez Vargas, representing a British company, submitted recordings and a formal complaint to the Judicial Branch Council against judge Sanchez Molina.

Judge Altagracia Sanchez Molina has denied the accusation and called for Judge Subero Isa to be more specific so as not to taint her reputation.

www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/10363/56/Una-ciudadana-denuncio-en-2005-a-jueza-Sanchez-Molina-y-nadie-le-dio-apoyo.html (http://www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/10363/56/Una-ciudadana-denuncio-en-2005-a-jueza-Sanchez-Molina-y-nadie-le-dio-apoyo.html)

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