View Full Version : Voter registration closes tonight

12-20-2011, 02:50 PM
On the eve of the close of voter registration, scheduled for midnight tonight, the Central Electoral Board (JCE) registration and "cedula" emission centers were working at full capacity. Citizens jammed the offices to overflowing as they tried to secure the document that is needed to vote and to carry out financial and legal transactions. The increase in demand from citizens to change minor details like change of address and election polling station has caused a wave of people to flock to the JCE offices since the early morning hours.

Some of the registration centers with the greatest number of people demanding services include the one located at the headquarters of the National District Election Board, the one in District #2, located on Delgado Street near the corner of 27 de Febrero and in the Fourth District in Santo Domingo East, on the Las Americas Avenue where cases reached some 300. One young man, Enmanuel Molina, a new voter who has just come of age, went to the office early yesterday to acquire his "cedula de identidad". "The process is a little slow but it's moving along. I'm waiting for my "cedula," he said.

There was also an increase in demand in La Vega, in the First District of San Cristobal, Barahona, San Juan de la Maguana, San Pedro de Macoris, and in Comendador (Elias Pina). Resolution 15-2011 issued last 5 November, says that the suspension or provisional close of voter registration and the issuance of "cedulas" in the system of identification and voter registration will continue until 12 midnight tonight. The deadline also applies to overseas residents and people pre-registered by the political parties. In places like District #4 of the province of Santo Domingo, in District #2 of the National District and in Elias Pina, people did not make the most of the extended work hours last Sunday, until 6 in the afternoon, and they came in throngs yesterday.

The voter registrations will be reopened 30 days after the elections for the President and the overseas deputies. On the other hand, duplicates of cedulas lost or in really bad shape will continue to be issued until midnight on 18 May.

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