View Full Version : Justices for the new Constitutional Court

12-26-2011, 03:30 PM
The National Judicial Council chose the new justices for the Constitutional Court on Wednesday. The justices elected for 12-year terms are presiding judge Milton Ray Guevara, Victor Joaquin Castellanos, Lino Vasquez Samuel, Justo Pedro Castellanos and Rafael Diaz Filpo. Members elected for nine years are Hermogenes Acosta, Ana Isabel Bonilla, Wilson Gomez Ramirez and Katia Miguelina Jimenez. Members voted for six years are Victor Gomez Berges, Leyda Marigarita Pina, first alternate Ildefonso Reyes, and Jottin Cury.

Background on the new justices:

Milton Ray Guevara, former ambassador, senator and member of the 1994 and 2010 Constitutional Reform Commission. Jottin Cury David, lawyer. Ana Isabel Bonilla, former deputy for the PLD. Wilson Gomez Ramirez, National Land Registrar. Victor Gomez Berges, former minister of foreign relations and education. Justo Pedro Castellanos, rector of the UNAPEC. Hermogenes Acosta de los Santos, lawyer. Katia Miguelina Jimenez Martinez, president of the Association of Dominican Judges for Democracy (Judemo). Leyda Margarita Pina, former judge of the Central Electoral Board (JCE). Lino Vasquez, member of the Commission for Support to the Reform and Modernization of Justice. Idelfonso Reyes, assistant prosecutor, specialist in penal matters.

The court is entrusted in the 2010 Constitution with the responsibility to guarantee the supremacy of the Constitution, the defense of the constitutional system and the protection of fundamental rights. The 2010 Constitution in its Article 184 reads that the court's decisions are final and irrevocable and constitute binding precedents for the branches of government and all governmental agencies.

The Constitutional court is made up of 13 justices and a majority of nine or more members is required. The justices are appointed for a single nine-year term and cannot be removed during their term of office.

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