View Full Version : First task Supreme Court: Evaluate all judges

12-26-2011, 03:30 PM
In his Christmas message to the nation's faithful, Cardinal Nicolas Lopez Rodriguez called on the 17 new justices of the Supreme Court of Justice to evaluate all the judges. He made the point there are too many court decisions that cannot be justified. As reported in Listin Diario, the Cardinal said that there has been too much lenience in many criminal and drug trafficking cases and he believes this should not be allowed. "My first request to the new Supreme Court is to start evaluating all the judges and that there should be fewer alternate justices who are the ones who are playing tricks," he said. Lopez Rodriguez referred to the too frequent event of a primary justice stepping down from a case, and the alternate deciding in favor of the criminals or drug traffickers. The new justices will be sworn in tomorrow and begin office on Wednesday.

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