View Full Version : Only 3% pay traffic fines

12-27-2011, 04:10 PM
There is a major problem with the efficiency of traffic fine collection in the DR. As reported in El Caribe, only 3% of drivers who are fined actually pay up. As reported, some have up to 150 fines pending in the system. Making matters worse, El Caribe reported that the Banco de Reservas (where one pays the fine) and the AMET systems are not synchronized, which could mean you can pay the fine, but it still appears that you owe it in the system.

As reported, in contrast with the general perception, AMET doesn't receive any of the funds from the fines paid. Jose Jaquez, public relation spokesman, said that the funds are used by the Prosecutor General office for rehabilitation of jail inmates. "AMET does not receive a cent of those resources," he told El Caribe.

On Monday the newspaper reported that of 638,017 fines issued by AMET traffic agents for violation of traffic laws, only 19,140 have been paid. Of the total of fines, 50,000 are for violation of a red light, 48,000 for using mobile phones when driving, and 35,000 for parking in prohibited areas.

The fines are paid at the Banco de Reservas, with amounts varying from RD$1,000 to RD$1,667.

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