View Full Version : Mario Vargas Llosa praises democracy in Dominican Republic

01-02-2012, 03:00 PM
Nobel Prize for Literature laureate Mario Vargas Llosa said on Wednesday, 28 December upon receiving an honorary degree from UNSPEC, that the Dominican Republic has become an example for Latin America after the fall of dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo in 1960. "I have seen how this society has been transformed, how it has opened to the world and above all how freedom has gotten a hold of Dominican life, both in the political as well as the economic aspect. It is one of the most stimulating experiences, the happiest, most encouraging in the region," he said.

He received an honorary doctorate from Universidad Accion Pro Educacion y Cultural (UNSPEC) at the Palacio de Bellas Artes.

Vargas Llosa said that the Dominican Republic could boast the luxury of showing achievements in democracy. He said that Dominicans had suffered through one of the most ferocious dictatorships in Latin America.

He received the honor at a ceremony led by UNAPEC rector Justo Pedro Castellanos, who has been named a justice of the Supreme Court of Justice.

He said that while there are no causes for complacency, because there are serious problems and the same inequalities as other Latin American countries, but it is an undeniable fact that there have been enormous advances and this is an example for Latin America.

He received the honor for his achievements in literature, freedom and human rights. During his address he gave thanks and spoke of his ties with the country after the experience of researching and writing his book, The Feast of the Goat book on the dictator.

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