View Full Version : Consumer confidence is up

01-10-2012, 03:40 PM
In October 2011, the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) in the Dominican Republic reached 64, seven points higher than in April, according to a study by the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development.

The ministry says that this shows a growing confidence in the present and the future. However, any value under 100 in these studies is generally considered to be pessimistic, according to El Nuevo Diario, and shows "that the process of recovery of consumer confidence requires a greater push in order for a larger proportion of consumers to have a more optimistic perception of the Dominican economy." The report indicates that on the scale from 0 to 200, scores below 100 indicate pessimism, while values above 100 indicate optimism in the variable under consideration.

The report says that the score of 94 on consumer expectations over the coming 12 months is way above 38, which is the consumers' opinion of the current situation. The study also breaks down household educational level and showed that expectation levels were lowest in households without education or with barely a primary education. Overall, confidence was highest in households with higher educational levels. In another breakdown, of household income, the study showed that the medium and higher income groups were much more confident, with values of 100 or over, than the lower income strata. The "middle-high" group was the most optimistic.

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