View Full Version : Fitch comments on DR debt and per capita income

01-10-2012, 03:40 PM
According to the Ministry of Hacienda, Fitch Ratings is stressing the low levels of debt and the high levels of per capita GDP in the Dominican Republic. The risk assessment agency says that they are still positive on local currency as well as foreign currency business. The complete press release by Fitch, reported by Listin Diario yesterday, gives the country a "B" rating. According to Fitch, uncertainty about the IMF Stand-by arrangement and the approaching presidential elections, as well as the risk associated with the performance of the global economy limit the possibility of improving the credit profile. Fitch also says that the Dominican Republic's grades are sustained by moderate debt levels and high levels of per capita GDP in comparison with its peers in the "B" category, with social development indicators relatively strong and a business climate that supports the flows of direct foreign investment.

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