View Full Version : British fraudster cons Dominicans, gets arrested

01-10-2012, 03:40 PM
Leading UK media have focused on the arrest in the Dominican Republic and expected deportation of a man described as the Liberal Democrat party's biggest donor. 45-year old Michael Brown was arrested in the Dominican Republic last week. It is now known that the man who was known here as Darren Patrick Nally escaped from Britain on a false passport three years ago while on bail awaiting trial for a 36 million pound fraud. The UK Telegraph reported that he had given the Liberal Democrats 2.4 million pounds to fund their 2005 election campaign. He was convicted in his absence for a multi-million pound fraud. The money he gave to the Lib Dems was reportedly stolen from victims of a 36 million pound scam.

After his arrest he was temporarily held alone under an alias in a cell in a women's prison in Higuey. He had been arrested in Punta Cana on suspicion of having committed another fraud. According to the UK press, he spent most of his time in Punta Cana playing golf.

The Telegraph reported that Britain has no extradition treaty with the DR, but that a local official had said that it was likely that Brown could be deported back to the UK anyway because he had entered the country under a false identity, which is a breach of Dominican law.

A City of London Police spokesman said yesterday: "We are pleased to hear that Michael Brown has been detained by authorities in the Dominican Republic, and are currently establishing contact with them to find out further details about his arrest.

"Clearly, at some stage we will look for his return to the United Kingdom, so he can serve the sentence for the fraud offences for which he has been convicted in this country."

Local news stories mention his real identity became apparent after he was arrested for fraud on 5 January.

Punta Cana prosecutor Elizabeth Rijo has sent him for one year of preventive custody. A local press report indicates that following the arrest, the authorities found out that he was sought abroad by OCN Interpol of London capture order B-41/1-2010, case 2010/1423.

www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/9000137/Michael-Brown-Lib-Dems-fraudster-donor-facing-justice-at-last.html (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/9000137/Michael-Brown-Lib-Dems-fraudster-donor-facing-justice-at-last.html)

www.scotsman.com/news/uk/lib_dems_urged_to_repay_conman_s_2_3m_1_2043305 (http://www.scotsman.com/news/uk/lib_dems_urged_to_repay_conman_s_2_3m_1_2043305)

www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-16464026 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-16464026)

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