View Full Version : Earthquake felt nationwide

01-10-2012, 03:40 PM
A 5.3-magnitude earthquake struck the southern Dominican Republic in the early hours of Thursday, 5 January without causing any reported damage or loss of life. Local rescue officials and the US Geological Survey said the earthquake struck at 5:35am local time, and its epicenter was six miles deep (10 kilometers) in Ocoa province, 34 miles (55 kilometers) west of Santo Domingo.

Emergency Operations Center chief Juan Manuel Mendez said he did not receive any reports of damage or injuries and no tsunami warning was issued. There were reports of hundreds of frightened people rushing out of their houses in various cities, including Santo Domingo.

It was later determined that two public schools in San Jose de Ocoa, Liceo Luisa Ozema Pellerano and Jose Nunez de Caceres, suffered some structural damage but the Ministry of Public Works ordered them to be repaired in time for the resumption of classes on 10 January. Hoy reported that at least one house in the city showed major cracks and authorities declared it unsafe.

An aftershock registering 4.1 was felt at 6:01am, but the Seismological Institute said there were a further 14 aftershocks.

The earthquake occurred along the Hispaniola island southern fault, the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault system, the same one that caused the 12 January 2010 7.0 earthquake in Haiti.

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