View Full Version : President Fernandez inaugurates new Haiti university branch

01-13-2012, 05:00 PM
President Leonel Fernandez, First Lady Margarita Cedeno and Foreign Relations Minsiter Carlos Morales Troncoso were in northern Haiti for yesterday's inauguration of the northern campus of the Haiti State University (UEH), donated by the Dominican government.

Speaking during the event, President Fernandez told the Haitian people: "The Dominican people were with you as soon as the earthquake happened to rescue you, we were there for you at the start of reconstruction, and we will be there to celebrate the new victories," said Fernandez in a speech that was read in French and Spanish, reported the Presidential press office.

The Fernandez administration says that US$30 million was invested in the campus that has four buildings with 72 classrooms and capacity for 10,000 students. The campus is the largest university facility in Haiti and is located in Limonade, east of the city of Cap-Haitien.

Speaking at the event, President of Haiti Michel Martelly expressed his gratitude, and stressed that Haitians would never forget the President and the support given to the Haitian people being the first to arrive with rescue operations after the 12 January 2010 catastrophic earthquake. He said the donation was exemplary when taking into account the Dominican Republic's own economic restrictions. Martelly stated that the new location is in line with new efforts to decentralize Haiti. He said the new facility would reduce the present brain drain affecting his country.

During the visit to Haiti, President Fernandez visited the newly remodeled and expanded Dominican Embassy in Port-au-Prince. Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado, rector of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) was in charge of the ceremonial blessing.

www.presidencia.gob.do/app/do_2011/article.aspx?id=14774 (http://www.presidencia.gob.do/app/do_2011/article.aspx?id=14774)

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