View Full Version : Cholera reduced dramatically in DR

01-13-2012, 05:00 PM
Following up on a government announcement that US$500 million would be spent to rid the country of cholera in the next five years, Listin Diario reports that during a visit made to specialized cholera centers early this week there were practically no patients. The number of patients has been reduced to two or three on average with diarrhea, an indication that the disease is under control in the Dominican Republic. The reporter says that the health centers continue following strict monitoring of diarrhea cases to avoid a possible new outbreak. A leading center, with capacity for 27 beds located at the Luis Eduardo Aybar Public Hospital had only one patient. Another new unit built at the Francisco Moscoso Puello Hospital had two patients being rehydrated, when its capacity is for 10 patients. At the Children's Hospital San Lorenzo in Los Mina, there were no patients, and of the eight treated yesterday all had been sent home. Physician Pablo Wagner of the Los Mina hospital says that no cholera cases have been reported at the hospital for some time now.

www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2012/1/12/217953/Camas-lucen-vacias-en-las-unidades-contra-el-colera (http://www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2012/1/12/217953/Camas-lucen-vacias-en-las-unidades-contra-el-colera)

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