View Full Version : Dona Ligia tells the story of Alfonso Moreno

01-16-2012, 02:30 PM
The memory, bravery and vision of Alfonso Moreno Martinez was honored at the Museo Memorial de la Resistencia Dominicana in the Colonial City on Tuesday, on occasion of the 15th anniversary of his death. The museum houses the largest collection of historical documents and archives on freedom and democracy fighters during the Trujillo regime in the Dominican Republic.

Better known as the founder of Helados Bon and for his efforts to preserve the Quita Espuela mountain in the province of San Francisco, "Don Alfonso" also had an exemplary career as a politician, diplomat and environmentalist. He represented the Dominican Republic at the United Nations in New York. But he was honored at the Museum for his earlier stand as an anti-Trujillo fighter in the 1950s.

A book by Abigail Cruz, "Alfonso Moreno Martinez: an Exemplary Life" and a documentary of this difficult time and the early years of founding the ice cream conglomerate told by his wife Ligia Portalatin, were ceremonially handed over to the Museum to be shown and to generate revenues for the museum. The documentary, produced by Zaidy Zouain, is called: "History and commitment: Ligia Portalatin widow Moreno, testimony of a Anti-Trujillo Family."

Despite having finished law studies at the state university, Alfonso Moreno was never authorized to practice law by the government and opened a bookstore instead. The video tells of his early days as a bookstore owner in San Francisco de Macoris where he would let children read comics for free to develop the readers of tomorrow.

The Moreno Martinez legacy is also carried on by his children, Jaime, Jesus, Ana Angelica and Jose, founders of the Bon company that is known for a corporate culture of fostering entrepreneurship among its workers and environmental support programs working with the Quita Espuela mountain reserve and macadamia nut plantations, making them pioneers in corporate social responsibility.

Speaking at the museum event, oldest son Jaime Moreno called on historians to research the impact that his father achieving asylum had on weakening the dictatorship and saving lives of others who followed. Up till then, political asylum had been prohibited. Alfonso Moreno is known as the first Trujillo opponent to have been awarded political asylum. Jaime Moreno also stressed that they were raised without resentment, despite Trujillo having killed an uncle and the difficult times when they were ostracized by many who feared the dictator.

Author Abigail Cruz described Moreno as an exemplary politician, and highlighted that upon returning from asylum, he turned down the offer of a job in the new government, despite being jobless.

www.elnacional.com.do/que-pasa/2012/1/13/107873/Familia-Moreno-ofrece-donativo-a-museo (http://www.elnacional.com.do/que-pasa/2012/1/13/107873/Familia-Moreno-ofrece-donativo-a-museo)

www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/01/16/familia-moreno-dona-libro-video (http://www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/01/16/familia-moreno-dona-libro-video)

www.listin.com.do/las-sociales/2012/1/12/217888/Vida-y-obra-de-Alfonso-Moreno-en-el-Museo-de-la-Resistencia (http://www.listin.com.do/las-sociales/2012/1/12/217888/Vida-y-obra-de-Alfonso-Moreno-en-el-Museo-de-la-Resistencia)

www.hoy.com.do/rostros/2012/1/12/409787/Alfonso-Moreno-MartinezExaltan-coraje-y-vision-de-un-hombre-emprendedor (http://www.hoy.com.do/rostros/2012/1/12/409787/Alfonso-Moreno-MartinezExaltan-coraje-y-vision-de-un-hombre-emprendedor)

www.mercadosocial.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=226:honores-para-don-alfonso-moreno&catid=35:sociales&Itemid=54 (http://www.mercadosocial.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=226:honores-para-don-alfonso-moreno&catid=35:sociales&Itemid=54)


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