View Full Version : JCE holding on parties' decision on IT head

01-18-2012, 03:30 PM
Speaking during a meeting with political parties and representatives of the Dominican overseas community, Central Electoral Board (JCE) president Roberto Rosario said last night that whatever happens the elections will take place on 20 May and that if the political parties did not come to an agreement about the director of the computer department, the JCE would make a decision as the elections were getting closer and they will be carried out without a hitch.

"The political parties asked the JCE to give them time to reach an agreement, but as of yet they have not submitted any type of document. We have been waiting to conclude this process, and when it is concluded we will see what happens," stated Rosario.

He reiterated that he had no reason to dismiss the head of computing, Franklin Frias as no one has stated what mistake he is supposed to have made. Rosario has been a strong supporter of Frias.

The dispute dates back to when Frias' superior, Miguel Angel Garcia, who was administrator general of IT at the JCE, resigned on 26 September 2011 disputing work that Frias was carrying out. In his letter of resignation, Garcia said he resigned because he did not want to renounce or yield under any circumstances to the pressures for the creation of a parallel computer area for all the IT functions to be assigned to the one person whose actions led to his appointment prior to the 2000 election.

Earlier this year, PRD presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia had said he had left it up to the PLD to decide about Franklin Frias "because they themselves have pointed to 13 reasons why he should not be in the post." But his own PRD party has not officially rejected Frias. The PRD is at present divided between party president Miguel Vargas Maldonado and presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia's factions.

Rosario advanced that the election on 20 May would be the last manual election in the country, as in 2016 Dominicans would vote electronically in the same way as in Brazil and Venezuela.

Rosario is travelling to several US states to make contact with overseas representatives of the Dominican political parties and to sign an agreement with the Organization of American States (OAS), which will be auditing the computer centre and the electoral roll at the JCE.

www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/1/18/218520/Junta-Central-Electoral-advierte-a-partidos-sobre-centro-computos (http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/1/18/218520/Junta-Central-Electoral-advierte-a-partidos-sobre-centro-computos)

www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/10245/56/Hipolito-y-Hatuey-se-reunen-por-segunda-ocasion-y-no-revelan-lo-hablado.html (http://www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/10245/56/Hipolito-y-Hatuey-se-reunen-por-segunda-ocasion-y-no-revelan-lo-hablado.html)

www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=307659 (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=307659)

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