View Full Version : Electricity sector loses a billion to deviations

01-18-2012, 03:30 PM
The Electricity Superintendent, engineer Juan Bautista Gomez, estimated yesterday that more than RD$1,000 million worth of electricity was lost last year because of energy 'deviations' in the electric market. As an example, he said that in just one week in August the losses generated by the system because of these deviations was RD$35 million.

He explained that these deviations happen when the generators undertake to provide a certain amount of energy and then cannot deliver it, so they have to buy electricity at higher prices in order to meet the demand. The other type of deviation is the reverse when they produce too much and cannot take it back because they do not need it, or for another reason such as a circuit failure.

At a press conference yesterday, Bautista said: "These deviations have an economic impact on the Dominican electricity system because the more deviations there are the more the price of energy will increase."

He said that in order to prevent these deviations the Superintendence had enacted a resolution that established compensation to be paid by those who caused the deviations in the electricity system. In the last few days the business sectors including the Dominican Republic Industrial Association have rejected this compensation, saying that it unjustly penalizes the unregulated users (those who can contract energy directly with the generators), most of whom belong to the industrial sector.

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