View Full Version : Independencia Cycling Tour

01-18-2012, 03:30 PM
The 1,300-kilometer Independence Road Cycling Tour, now in its 33rd year, starts Thursday, 19 February. The event ends 27 February, Independence Day. The tour is regarded as a leading cycling tour in the Caribbean and is in the top five for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Known locally as La Vuelta Ciclistica Independencia Nacional, the race is registered with the International Cycling Union (UCI) and is valid for cyclist ranking points.

The cycle tour covers practically the entire Dominican Republic.

The event is registered as an America Continental Schedule, 2.2 UCI America Tour.

Cyclists set off from the Plaza Independencia in Santo Domingo. The event, which is being organized by the Dominican Cycling Federation with the support of the Ministry of Sports, is a celebration of the DR's independence. See http://www.ciclismo.com.do/SobreelCiclismo/LaVueltaIndependencia/tabid/76/Default.aspx

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