View Full Version : Poll gives Danilo 46% and Hipolito 44%

01-24-2012, 03:50 PM
Penn, Schoen, and Berland Associates, an independent Washington, DC-based polling firm, shows a tight race between ruling PLD party Danilo Medina and former President Hipolito Mejia running for the PRD. The poll gives a virtual tie (46% PLD to 44% PRD) between the candidates for the presidency of the Dominican Republic from the PLD and the PRD and 3% to the candidate from the PRSC. The survey was carried out between 12 and 18 January. Voters were asked: "Would you vote for Danilo Medina of the PLD and its allies, Hipolito Mejia of the PRD, for the candidate of the PRSC or for that of another party?" 46% said Danilo Medina, while 44% said Hipolito Mejia.

A total of 7% did not answer or said that they did not know.

Mejia's 44% is 6% points lower than the percentage reported in the 20 May 2011 poll carried out by Penn Shoen & Berland.

www.noticiassin.com/2011/05/hipolito-mejia-ganaria-las-elecciones-de-2012-frente-a-cualquier-candidato-del-pld-segun-penn-schoen-berlandgrupo-sinantena-latina/ (http://www.noticiassin.com/2011/05/hipolito-mejia-ganaria-las-elecciones-de-2012-frente-a-cualquier-candidato-del-pld-segun-penn-schoen-berlandgrupo-sinantena-latina/)

In another scenario, including Margarita Cedeno and Luis Abinader as candidates for the vice-presidency, the formula Danilo-Margarita obtained 47%, while Hipolito-Abinader obtained 44%. There was 3% support for the candidates chosen by the PRSC.

The scenario in which Danilo Medina achieves the greatest margin over Hipolito Mejia comes with the question: "Who do you think is finally going to win the next elections?" 52% said Danilo Medina and 42% said Hipolito Mejia. The PRSC obtained 0%, a candidate from another party 1% and 5% did not answer or did not know.

To the question that was only asked of respondents who said they would vote for Danilo, on whether or not they had already decided to vote for the PLD presidential candidate or whether the decision to take Margarita Cedeno de Fernandez as the vice-presidential candidate of the PLD influenced their choice, 74% said that they had already decided, 25% said that Margarita's selection had influenced their decision and 1% did not know or did not respond.

And, on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is a very unfavorable opinion and 5 is very favorable, the persons surveyed were asked regarding their opinion of the Central Electoral Board (JCE). The replies, interestingly enough, were 45% favorable, 27% unfavorable, 20% were neutral and 8% said they did not know or did not answer. At the same time, to the question whether they thought that the JCE would organize free elections or whether they thought that the JCE would permit fraud, 63% believes that there will be free elections, 23% thinks that there will be fraud and 14% do not know or did not answer the question. Nevertheless, in response to the question "Who do you think will win the election, Danilo Medina or Hipolito Mejia?" 52% replied Danilo Medina and 42% said Hipolito Mejia. The poll was commissioned by Grupo SIN/Antena Latina.

www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/01/24/i321513_encuesta-penn-danilo-hipolito.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/01/24/i321513_encuesta-penn-danilo-hipolito.html)

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