View Full Version : Inaugurations in Elias Pina

01-25-2012, 04:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez was in Elias Pina province yesterday, where he inaugurated a technical college, minor roads, sports grounds and a library, works valued at RD$200 million pesos.

After the ceremonies, Fernandez said that the new college would train young people in technical skills so that they could immediately enter the workplace. He described how the center's IT laboratory had been converted from a house belonging to dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, a radical use transformation.

During the keynote speech, Education Minister Josefina Pimentel said that Fernandez would inaugurate another 100 schools and colleges across the country before the end of his term on 16 August.

The senator for Elias Pina, Adriano Sanchez Rosa, announced that Fernandez would soon break ground for the US$200 million construction of the Artibonite hydroelectric power station.

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