View Full Version : New buildings in Santiago are safe

01-25-2012, 04:30 PM
At a press conference yesterday, the Dominican College of Engineers, Architects and Surveyors, northern region, (CODIA) said that the new apartment blocks and commercial buildings, mostly in La Trinitaria, La Esmeralda, Los Jardines Metropolitanos, Rincon Largo, Villa Olga and other exclusive areas of the city of Santiago, are designed to withstand an earthquake of up to magnitude 8 on the Richter scale.

The president of Codia for the Cibao region, Martin Mejia Paulino said that although the new high-rise buildings had been constructed with the latest anti-earthquake measures, under professional supervision, the population should be prepared as there is a high probability of a strong earthquake in Santiago.

On 22 September 2003, Santiago was affected by a 6.5 magnitude earthquake, the strongest in the Dominican Republic since 1946. The earthquake caused extensive damage in Santiago and northern Puerto Plata.

Local experts have forecast an earthquake magnitude 8 is due for the Dominican Republic. Previous strong earthquakes are known to have occurred in 1562, 1701, 1760, 1770, 1842, 1860, 1904 and 1946. Central Santiago and the northeast are the most vulnerable areas given the activity of the the Septentrional fault zone (SFZ), the major North American-Caribbean, strike-slip, plate boundary fault located at the longitude of eastern Hispaniola. The SFZ traverses the densely populated Cibao Valley of the Dominican Republic, forming a prominent scarp in alluvium.

"We don't want to scare people but we should start to develop risk mitigation plans, just as if we were under a hurricane or a storm warning," he said.

CODIA warned that Jose Maria Cabral and Baez hospital, the fire station, the Herminia Perez, Genaro Perez and Ulises Francisco Espaillat schools, the housing project in Yapur Dumit Avenue and other existing buildings in the city center, could not be guaranteed to remain unscathed in the event of a natural disaster.

www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/01/24/i321575_santiago-terremoto-codia-construccion-escuelas-hospital.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/01/24/i321575_santiago-terremoto-codia-construccion-escuelas-hospital.html)



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