View Full Version : Dollars seized at Las Americas

01-25-2012, 04:30 PM
Yesterday at the International Airport of Las Americas (AILA), security and intelligence officers from the Customs Department (DGA) confiscated US$58,057 brought into the country by two sisters, Carmen Yanelfi and Yadelkis Altagracia Baldera Gomez. They had told the officers they only had US$10,000, but after being searched, the rest of the money was discovered hidden in sports socks. When questioned, the sisters, who had travelled from New York on a JetBlue flight, denied knowing about the existence of the extra cash.

Law 70 on money laundering states that travelers coming in and out of the country must declare any cash in their possession above US$10,000. Anyone failing to declare risks being arrested and accused of currency trafficking.

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