View Full Version : Business sector want a 4-day week

01-26-2012, 01:30 PM
The reforms that the business sector is suggesting for the Labor Code include legalizing the reduction of the working week from five to four days and extending the working day from 8 to 10 hours, but without overtime pay. The alternate working week would go from Tuesday to Friday. According to the business sector, this would give the Dominican Republic increased competitiveness in the region. At present the usual working week is 40 hours, with eight-hour work days from Monday to Friday and half a day on Saturday.

As reported in El Nuevo Diario, Labor Minister Francisco Dominguez Brito says that overall they will be discussing working hours and workers' right to join unions. He guaranteed that no reform would reduce the rights obtained by the workers, and he pointed out that the people have to be sure of that.

In another report, several union representatives came out against any reduction of the nation's holidays and the suppression of overtime pay. The president of the CNUS, Rafael "Pepe" Abreu and the secretary general of the CASC, Gabriel del Rio Done, blasted the intentions of the business community to reduce the working week and to increase the working day without overtime pay or holiday pay for the workers. The union leaders described this suggestion as crazy and poorly timed. They said that they knew of places where this was already being implemented.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)