View Full Version : Blackouts this weekend

01-27-2012, 11:50 AM
The executive vice president of the Public Electricity Corporation (CDEEE), Celso Marranzini warned today that there would be an increase in electricity cuts between Friday and Monday due to the closure of the AES generator. This will affect all circuits including those with 24-hour electricity; although he said that they would do all they could to ensure the service was as stable as possible.

In a briefing note Marranzini appealed to users nationwide to ration their use of energy from the 27th to 31st of this month in order to reduce the impact on the system.

He said that during this time users on A circuits, who normally have 24 hours of electricity will lose two or three hours so that the C and D circuits, which only receive 14 to 18 hours of electricity because of their payment levels, would not be affected too much.

Marranzini confirmed that the Falconbridge mine, which together with Cemex is one of the country's biggest consumers of electricity, had approved the closing of AES for maintenance. Cemex will not be operating on Friday 27th or Tuesday 31st, the most critical days, when the population returns to work after the long weekend and industry returns to normal.

He stated that it was a planned program coordinated between the three distribution companies, the coordinator of the electricity system, the generator businesses and the non regulated users, timed to cause the least disruption.

www.cdeee.gov.do/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=928:marranzini-pide-un-uso-racional-de-la-energia-durante-este-fin-de-semana-largo&catid=6:noticias&Itemid=2. (http://www.cdeee.gov.do/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=928:marranzini-pide-un-uso-racional-de-la-energia-durante-este-fin-de-semana-largo&catid=6:noticias&Itemid=2.)

www.elnacional.com.do/nacional/2012/1/26/109387/Todos-sufriran-apagones-fin-de-semana (http://www.elnacional.com.do/nacional/2012/1/26/109387/Todos-sufriran-apagones-fin-de-semana)

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