View Full Version : Guillermo Moreno: Political system is perverted

01-27-2012, 11:50 AM
Minority candidate Guillermo Moreno said last night that a vote for one of the candidates of the traditional parties just consolidates a perverted political system. As reported in El Caribe, the former prosecutor now running for Alianza Pais said that this is an obstacle to the country changing by democratic vote. He said that Hipolito Mejia, Danilo Medina and President Leonel Fernandez have been in power for 16 years, keeping a strong grip on the state. In his judgment, none has the moral authority to lead the nation for another minute. He said that there is neither separation nor independence of branches of government in the Dominican Republic because "they are all subject to the control of the leadership of a single party and subordinated to the personal project of President Leonel Fernandez."

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