View Full Version : 21 stowaways arrested

01-27-2012, 11:50 AM
The director of the Port Security Authority (CESEP), Rear Admiral Luis Rafael Lee Ballester announced yesterday that a group of 21 Dominican stowaways were arrested by officers from CESEP. The would-be illegal migrants were hidden in containers being used for equipment from the Iguana Park theme park. Iguana Park has been located at the old airport in Herrera for several months and the stowaways were local residents and theme park employees. The containers were about to leave on the ferry from Santo Domingo to Mayaguez in Puerto Rico from where they were being sent on to Port Elizabeth in New Jersey. The Rear Admiral said that the arrests had been possible thanks to a security operation authorized by the armed forces in the old terminal as well as in the port in Santo Domingo from where the ferry sets sail. The operation used intelligence sources as well as information from previous years when the park was demobilized and stowaways did the same thing. CESEP will now hand them over to the Public Prosecutor of the National District.

The Rear Admiral also said that as a result of this action CESEP has helped the ferry company, because if the illegal stowaways had succeeded in reaching New Jersey they would have had to pay a fine of over US$200,000, as well as other penalties.

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