View Full Version : WTO says Dominican Republic has illegal tariffs

02-01-2012, 02:40 PM
The World Trade Organization (WTO), backing a complaint by Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, said that the Dominican Republic's import tariffs on polypropylene bags and tubular fabric break global rules.

The complaint was filed last October after the Dominican Republic imposed duties of up to 38% on Central American imports of the sacks, used to pack foods, agro-industrial and industrial products.

Such WTO Safeguard Measures are only permitted when imports of a product damage or threaten to harm a specific domestic industry.

WTO judges in Geneva yesterday agreed that the safeguard wasn't justified because the Dominican Republic failed to prove that its domestic industry had been damaged.

The report concluded that the Dominican government acted in a manner contrary to the Safeguard Measures Agreement and also the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and rejected the allegations put forward by the Dominican Republic arguing that these two treaties were not applicable.

Following the complaints from the first group of countries, more followed, including China, Colombia, the European Union, Nicaragua, Panama, Turkey and the United States.

The Special Group recommended that the Dominican Republic honor its obligations under the trade agreements it has signed.

www.listindiario.com/economia-y-negocios/2012/1/31/220046/OMC-confirma-RD-violo-reglas-al-imponer-aranceles-a-Centroamerica (http://www.listindiario.com/economia-y-negocios/2012/1/31/220046/OMC-confirma-RD-violo-reglas-al-imponer-aranceles-a-Centroamerica)

www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-01-31/dominican-republic-s-import-tariffs-on-bags-ruled-illegal-by-wto.html (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-01-31/dominican-republic-s-import-tariffs-on-bags-ruled-illegal-by-wto.html)

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