View Full Version : Study reveals 35% have high blood pressure

02-01-2012, 02:40 PM
According to a study of 5,000 people carried out by the Institute of Cardiology and the Dominican Cardiology and Endocrinology societies, 35% are suffering from arterial hypertension.

The investigation was sponsored by the National Health Insurance (SeNaSa) and was carried out in the National District, the southern and eastern regions and the Cibao area.

The study revealed that 30.8% were obese, 31% overweight and 10% had diabetes. The previous study of its kind, carried out in 1998, showed that at the time hypertension was at 30%, diabetes 8% and 17% were overweight. Nowadays only 8% of Dominicans smoke, which is a decrease of 22% over 1998.

Doctor Rafael Pichardo, who led the research, stated that it was shocking that out of every 100 adults in this country, 35 have high blood pressure - the primary cause of death amongst adults. This is believed to be the result of bad eating habits and a lack of physical exercise.

www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/2/1/220121/Reportan-hay-mas-hipertensos-diabeticos-y-obesos (http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/2/1/220121/Reportan-hay-mas-hipertensos-diabeticos-y-obesos)

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