View Full Version : Chronic malnutrition

02-01-2012, 02:40 PM
The representative of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) for Latin America and the Caribbean, Gemmo Lodesani, confirmed yesterday that the Dominican Republic urgently needed to combat chronic malnutrition.

Interviewed on the program, "El Dia" together with the director of the WFP in the Dominican Republic, Edith Rodriguez, Lodesani said that this situation had an impact on the GDP, which is 3.6% in the DR and 11% in the continent as a whole, because hunger limits human development and subsequently the economy.

He said that there would be an update for the continent including the Dominican Republic and once there was precise data, pressure could be put on governments and the situation could be resolved with a low budget.

He said, "When people see hunger they normally think of Africa where the situation is very critical, but in Latin America the situation is maybe even more difficult because of the inequality, and what is more because chronic malnutrition is more dangerous than hunger."

Edith Rodriguez stated: "But basically we need to inform people that a child's brain develops in the first 1000 days and the nutritional levels which they have in this time have a bearing on the rest of their life."

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/1/31/412616/PMA-dice-urge-combatir-desnutricion-cronica-en-pais (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/1/31/412616/PMA-dice-urge-combatir-desnutricion-cronica-en-pais)

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