View Full Version : The importance of wetlands

02-03-2012, 03:50 PM
During a ceremony commemorating National Wetlands Day in the Nigua Ecological Park on Thursday 2 February, the Ministers of the Environment and Tourism stressed the role played by wetland areas in the sustainable development of tourism and for national economies.

The theme was "Wetland Tourism: a great experience", and Deputy Minister Daneris Santana emphasized the range of environmental services provided by this water covered area.

He also referred to the salvage work carried out by the Environment Ministry so that local communities could now become custodians of these areas while using them for recreational and healthy activities.

The Deputy Minister of Tourism talked about the importance of these ecosystems for tourism and ecotourism development at national and international level.

The Environment Ministry had reforested the wetlands with olive and mangrove trees, as part of the National Wetland Day celebrations. In addition to Nigua, 32 more wetland sites had been salvaged.

www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/2/2/74240/Destacan-importancia-de-los-humedales-para-el-desarrollo-turistico-y-la (http://www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/2/2/74240/Destacan-importancia-de-los-humedales-para-el-desarrollo-turistico-y-la)

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