View Full Version : The Metro saves money

02-03-2012, 03:50 PM
Diandino Pena, the head of the Transport Reorganization Office (Opret) announced that rehearsals would begin today, Friday 3 February, at the Santo Domingo Metro transfer station so that people can get used to switching between both lines. Passengers, together with members of the press will be taken to the station at Kennedy with Maximo Gomez avenues, where they will be shown how to change from one line to another.

Pena also stated that the Metro had now been running for three years and had transported 68 million passengers with no serious accidents. He said that it had saved each passenger between 40 and 50 minutes on their journeys, and that if the cost was calculated based on a salary of RD$80 an hour and 68 million passengers, the time saved was worth the equivalent of RD$1.6 billion.

He said that the Metro users had saved a lot in fares, whereas before they used to pay between 35 and 40 pesos to travel from Villa Mella to la Feria, the Metro costs 16 pesos less. He said that if the fare saving was multiplied by the number of passengers, the saving in peoples' pockets was RD$1.1 billion.

He said that if the people who now use the Metro had been on the road it would have required 900 cars and 40 small buses using RD$1,400 million of fuel, hence one of the greatest successes of the Metro has been to reduce the levels of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere. He then stated that the cost-effectiveness of the Metro justified the construction cost.

Pena added that the connecting station would have a commercial area with telephone, Internet and other public services and that there would be exits and entrances to the north, south, east and west in addition to clear signage.

Work on the second line of the Metro began in November 2008 and the plan is for President Leonel Fernandez to open it this month.

www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/2/2/220391/El-Metro-ha-transportado-a-68-millones-de-pasajeros-en-tres-anos (http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/2/2/220391/El-Metro-ha-transportado-a-68-millones-de-pasajeros-en-tres-anos)

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