View Full Version : Ministers from Haiti and DR meet at the National Palace

02-06-2012, 01:30 PM
The Dominican and Haitian Planning Ministers and their technical teams met at the National Palace on Saturday February 4 to discuss ways of cooperation for a bi-national strategic development plan. Juan Temistocles Montas, DR Minister of Economy, Planning and Development and Jude Hervey Day, Haiti's Minister of Planning and External Cooperation, started the discussion following the plans and programs for mutual development put in place after the earthquake on 12 January 2010.

Montas said that the idea is to continue the process of strengthening the development of relations between the two countries, which led to excellent results after the earthquake.

The Haitians said that it is in the interests of both governments to have clear ideas and consensus as to the common solutions needed to build the future they both want.

The Haitian delegation also included Vice President of International Commerce Rene Hubert and Frantz Verella, Project Director at the Haitian Planning and External Cooperation Ministry.

Minister Montas was assisted by Economic and Social Analysis Unit Director Magdalena Lizardo, Deputy Minister of Planning Nelson Toca, Bilateral Cooperation Director Inocencio Garcia, and Rosajilda Velez, Director of the Caribbean Unit for Economic and Social Studies.

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