View Full Version : Perhaps a first presidential debate

02-07-2012, 02:30 PM
The Young Entrepreneurs Association (ANJE) confirmed yesterday, Monday February 6, that they have set April as the date of the first debate of presidential candidates ever carried out in the country, with the participation of Danilo Medina of the PLD and Hipolito Mejia of the PRD.

ANJE president Manuel Cabral was referring to a statement by Medina during his participation on Dialogo Libre, when he said that he would go to a debate as long as it was well managed, with clear rules, serious and without wisecracks. Medina has confirmed his participation with ANJE, while the association expects to meet with Mejia soon, and they expect him to give his assent, since he has told the media that he supports these activities. A professor of Political Science at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, Jose Gell, said that this debate should be held without scripts. "It should be a spontaneous debate, where each person expresses himself as he is, without any sort of script or libretto," he said.

Mejia and Medina have already faced each other on the same stage when they read their plans for government last November during a televised meeting organized by the Dominican Republic Industrial Association (AIRD). "Dominican politicians should lose their fear of discussing the issues of national relevance face to face with the electorate. The advantage of well-organized debates is that the public has the chance to see the candidates in action analyzing and discussing the principal campaign issues," said political analyst Rosario Espinal.

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